Having posted the example from Matthews Keys's Twitter work in the summer, I have spent the past month paying attention to news and other events that are live-blogged using Twitter.
There appear to be two distinct categories:
1. Reporter/writer goes out into the world, observes something, writes the play-by-play. This would fall under my original "reportage/observation" category.
2. Reporter/writer monitors another news or information source and provides readers with a play-by-play. This is what Keys did; it's what the Toronto Star's Daniel Dale is doing this afternoon with Toronto mayor Rob Ford and his councillor-brother-sidekick-mouthpiece Doug on their weekly talk radio program.
This secondary media coverage--usually used, as far as I can see, with live television or radio broadcasts of interview/talk shows, is an interesting use of the micro-blog.
Examples from Daniel Dale's 1010 Tweets: