Sunday, October 28, 2012

Steve Ladurantaye's real time book review

On the evening of Oct. 26, Globe & Mail ROB media beat reporter Steve Ladurantaye started reading Brian Lilley's CBC Exposed on his e-reader and began Tweeting about it. After one or two posts, he declared that he was going to stop.
But followers immediately weighed in, encouraging Ladurantaye to keep going--which he did, for a couple of hours and 35-plus very entertaining and insightful Tweets (plus diversions into secondary conversations), pulling readers along through the book.

I don't know if this is the first time anybody has ever done this but it is the first time I have watched this being done so it's made this list. It was better than a lot of T.V. (perhaps not CBC; but certainly, if I can offer my own opinion, anything produced so far by Sun Media).

Thursday, October 25, 2012

If Rick Mercer had written for Winston Churchill: Andrew Coyne Tweet Rant for the Edification of All

On the night of October 25, National Post columnist Andrew Coyne let loose with a tweeted rant about transfer payments.

On Twitter, I commented that this read as if Rick Mercer had written a speech for Winston Churchill.

I have a vision of Churchill striding or marching around some Churchillian street--wide boulevards with waves breaking on a barbed wired-beach in the background--rather than graffiti-painted alleyways. I have not yet come up with a suitable setting for @acoyne.

Yet I decided this use of Twitter is different from what I have observed and documented to date. The transfer payment Tweets struck me as deserving their own category.

They are not reportage--or breaking news--or coverage/description of a talk show or interview being conducted by another person--and nor are they, like Noreen Flanagan's column, Coyne's next column divided into 140-character bursts (although I will check this to make sure that it's not the case, and report back if it is).

Instead,  they read like a 15-Tweet piece of political poetry.

I will upload the Tweets: they will be in reverse order, as they appeared on Twitter.

Note: this content is the property of Andrew Coyne.


Noreen Flanagan Nov. ed note: Twitter as delivery mechanism for print journalism

This fall, Noreen Flanagan, editor of the Canadian edition of Elle magazine, a rare fashion and beauty publication that consistently publishes writing in which individual writers' voices shine through, Tweeted out her editor's column in bursts of 140 characters or less.

 I watched it appear live on the screen, as she Tweeted this piece of writing, and it struck me as a different category of Twitter use than the ones I had previously identified.

Flanagan Tweeted her November editor's note, which, interestingly, was on the subject of her first Tweet.

The writing was engaging, as Flanagan's works does tend to be, but there was something captivating about watching it unfurl in real time.

 Rather than Storify, I suggest that people look the posts up and read them as they originally appeared on Twitter: @Noreen_Flanagan #ednote, Oct. 13, 2012.

There are 18 Tweets and they are fun to read, even as static posts.

 I will do my best to reproduce those Tweets here.

NOTE: This content is the property of Noreen Flanagan and Elle Canada.
