Friday, November 16, 2012

Arjun Basu invents the "Twister", writes short stories in 140 characters

@arjunbasu a.k.a Content Director of Spafax Canada and past president of th Canadian Magazine Awards has coined the word "Twister" to describe the short stories he writes and posts on his Twitter micro-blog.

An example: 

Another example:

These Tweets are the property of Arjun Basu & are reproduced here for research and educational purposes because they represent a unique use of Twitter--or at least one that was previously undocumented on the What Would Morgan (a.k.a. E.M. Forster) Do? blog.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Two observations on a Friday night: when all the best Tweeting happens [unless there is a monster storm]. Twitter builds physical community? during & after Sandy; @shawnmicallef shows once again that he is the Tom Eliot of the digital age

I saw two things in my Twitter feed today that I decided merit mention.

1. @TheMatthewKeys wrote:

I wrote: Both heartwarming and simultaneously deeply ironic. Up there with 's "little campfire of Twitter posts" in his hands:

Also: So interesting how for years the Internet transcended geography to create virtual communities and now Twitter is doing the opposite.

People including write about how Twitter has helped build REAL "meet the neighbours" communities during & in wake of Sandy.

2. Shawn Micallef @shawnmicallef writes poetry.
Maybe not T.S. Eliot; maybe Jack Kerouac.
Or some combination of the two.

Here, in reverse order; i.e. in the order in which he Tweeted (paragraphs are mine KN):

The bored looks of the Ossington-Dovercourt Dundas Corridor. 
They are so bored. 
They are out but Friday bored. 
They twiddle their hair.